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This music is free for your projects! Credit to: 🎵 Support Jarico https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic https://www.facebook.com/people/Jarico-Jarico/100012860439675 https://vk.com/jaricomusic https://www.instagram.com/jaricomusiccc/ https://spinninrecords.com/profile/jarico https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hwz1M-bL8DFUqS1SdA7vw?view_as=subscriber ★ About using the music: - You MUST include the full credits in your video description. - You can NOT claim the music as your own. - You can NOT sell the music anywhere. - You can NOT use the music as background music for your own musical work without the artist's consent. - You can NOT use the music without giving any credits in the video description. - You can NOT remove or add parts from/to the credits. - You can NOT use third-party software to download the video/track, always use our download links - You MUST contact the artist if you wish to use the music on any kind of project outside of YouTube.