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THIS 2019 ISNTALLMENT is a memorial day release 05/26/19 in memory of Allen Lloyd II, John Singleton, and Jamal JGOBB Williams. Based on Boyz N da Hoods Morris ChestNuts Roll as "RICKY" capture of when Ricky got Shot in John Singles 1991 Hit Movie "BOYZ N DA HOOD co-staring ICECUBE, CUBA GOODING JR, this 2019 Music realease puts a new modern spin on the visual concept in this TRAP CLASSIC, Stoley delivers a constant wit with a unique delivery sure to cature the listeners attention with his abstract cadences and furnaced lirycal ability and a small dose of humor. 9 tracks, no feated appearances there is a consistant movement in each record the magnectically attracts the ear. Im sure BANDZO listeners and followers will apperciate to this record and welcome it into the wideworld list of CLASSIC TRAP/ NEW AGE TRAP