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The Greatest Love Song Do You Know Jesus By Mike McCracken (chorus) Do you know Jesus? And how He loves us How He died just to save us Just because, He loves us Judas betrayed Him Who once was His friend They beat, flogged and scourged Him To where He didn’t look human A crown of thorns on His head Just another place where He bled Humiliated in every way Why, they even tore His clothes away And there wasn’t any time loss To where, they made Him carry the cross To drive nails through His hands He’s more than just a man And Jesus still loved them After all they did to Him He did this for us too When He said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus said that there is no greater love that a man can give than that he lay down his life for another. Jesus did this for all those who believe. I wrote this out of the Bible so everyone will know how great God’s love is.