The Cinematic Piano by Ramol (Royalty Free Music) ____ Track Info : Title : The Cinematic Piano Composer : Ramol ____ You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste) : Song : Ramol - The Cinematic Piano (Ramol Nocopyright Music) Music promoted by Ramol Nocopyright Music. Produced by RamolPro Video Link : ____ About using the music : - You can NOT claim the music as your own. - You can NOT sell the music anywhere. - You can NOT use the music without giving any credits in the video description. - You can NOT remove parts from the license. - You can NOT use third-party software to download the video/song. - You MUST contact the artist if you wish to use the music on any kind of project outside of YouTube. If you need more information about using the music, please get in touch with me on email : [email protected]. ____ Ramol Nocopyright Music is free to use for independent creators on YouTube. Please remember to credit Ramol Nocopyright Music and link back to our original upload. ____ This track is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’. You can find the link to that license here: Basically, you can use this music for absolutely anything, including commercial/monetized projects. No need to get permission. There are only 2 rules: 1) Credit me! In most cases this means posting a link to my channel or the video of the track you used. This takes about 10 seconds to do, while the track you’re using probably took me hours and hours (and hours). Doing this helps me keep the music free :) 2) Subscribe to me! Okay, this one isn’t really mandatory haha. If you're a brand or a commercial organization interested in using Ramol Music on Youtube or anywhere else, get in touch at [email protected]. ____ About Composer : Instagram : @ramol28 Facebook : Ramol Twitter : @ramol28 Email : [email protected] ____ Follow us : Instagram : @ramolnocopyrightmusic ____ Post Production : RamolPro Instagram : @ramolpro ____ #NoCopyrightMusic #RamolNocopyrightMusic #FreeMusic #YoutubeAudioLibrary #AudioLibrary