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Miles Away & Casper - Pavlov [Copyright Free] Free Download: https://app.hive.co/l/yfbzy Miles Away: Copyright Free Series 1 - Track 2 The heaviest Miles Away track to date. Really wanted to experiment with a great Mid Tempo track for you guys. Make sure to give one of my best friends Casper. a follow as he's an amazing producer that just recently decided to launch his project. If you dig tracks by Rezz or 1788-L then you'll really love this one, it was heavily inspired by them. Much love as always for listening! 🎵Miles Away ✗ http://www.milesawayofficial.com ✗ https://www.instagram.com/supmilesaway ✗ https://soundcloud.com/supmilesaway ✗ https://www.facebook.com/supmilesaway 🎵Casper. ✗ https://www.instagram.com/casperkoopman/ ✗ https://soundcloud.com/caspermakesmusic ✗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1lN... Video made by GODS Visuals: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH6z... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yeaiamgod/ Lyrics: [Instrumental]