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A Baby Cries By Mike McCracken A baby wakes up smiling Birds singing in the air The guns no longer blasting And Love is everywhere The world is united And Peace fills the air Yes, you’re invited To babies anywhere (chorus) Peace begins with people From me then to you Do only babies know? What to do The love in a baby’s smile Makes you feel good Haven’t smiled in a while I know I should The year is past 2000 Let’s make a dream come true Let’s start a new millennium And love like babies do A baby cries this morning Cause nobody cares You and I are fighting There’s war everywhere. I am searching for original songs that may deal with the theme of peace as the Year 2000 has been declared the International Year for a Culture of Peace by the UN. We have thought of doing a CD honoring the Culture of Peace. There is some insight on the Culture of Peace to be found at www.peace.ca. Edmund A. Oliverio EAO Music Corporation