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Since a long time ago, I haven't seen your face. Wanna see you baby, I forgot about your taste. Wanna have a conversation with you. But there are some complication as too. Don't get depart from my life, Don't cut my head from your knife. Don't make the distance between us, Baby understand, give me the chance. Am kind of moon, Your kind of night. When i saw you first time i can see, my future bright. Am empty pool, Your kind of water. Am waiting for you because life is being, Too shorter. Am drowning in the deep sea, Help me out from that. I know your too far from me, but baby. I can wait. Don't make the distance between us, Baby understand, give me the chance. Singer- Shaquib Shaikh Lyrics Writer- Shaquib Shaikh Composer- Shaquib Shaikh Label- S.S.Musics Presentor- Untitled Entertainment