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-Information- The song Mess With Me By Jett Rodgers is being released under Creative Commons 4.0 International - No Derivs, therefore, can be used in Monetized YouTube Videos and Streams If you wish to use the song promoted by us check out the license provided by us https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com/licence Want to earn money with your music but still keep it free use AudioGrab and Sign up using the following link: https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com/audiograb Website: https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com Join Our Discord: https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com/discord Download: https://www.audiograb.com/ZH3Lg0R6 Picture Submitted By Bennett Edwards On Stokpic -Credit Information- Jett Rodgers http://www.soundcloud.com/jettr -Submit Your Song- https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com/song-submission -Additional Information- We do not own any of the content that is found within the uploads so if any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please contact us on any of the social media links or at https://www.royaltyfreepromotion.com/contact-us